Monday, September 2, 2013

A small video of TB Dam visit on 09/08/2013

My visit to TB Dam in the month of August

Hi there!!!!!!!

Last month was a month of Travel to me. I have traveled to Shirdi, Tungabhadra Dam and Hampi.
The journeys were 200% unpredictable.
I tried to upload  some videos in the blog but unfortunately I was not able to attach those videos to my blog. I tried couple of times but in vain.
I tried to upload one on You tube was success full in uploading only one video of Water Fountain of TB Dam.
You can visit the you tube video by giving the words ----- water fountain, TB Dam in the search or follow the below you tube link.

Enjoy a music of 1.40 minutes and 12 minutes of video.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Unable to upload videos :(

Hey Guys!

Wanted to upload my video snaps of my trip to Shirdi, Tungabadhra Dam and Hampi in this August month. But unable to upload the videos. :(

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

God's this time should really help me :)

God's this time should really help me :)

What to say guys :(  i have created a password to my rewriting and forgot my password of the word document.
Banged my head many times but not able to remember the password :(
what best can i do?
Started to rewrite the book from the scratch.
The only part i have done a good job is initially i have written everything word in a book.
All my 3 years were never wasted.