Tuesday, August 21, 2012

GOD is Great

Hey Fellas,

The Almighty has created women so beautiful. So beautiful that we cannot explain these in words. It takes your senses away.
Here I have a question Why did the Almighty create women so beautiful?
I hope even he has an outstanding interest in women and enjoys his job while creating them. He not only has feast for himself but also shares them to mankind on earth.
After all we call him.......................

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Who's Planet is this?

Man, he can live only on earth. On water no no don’t even dare.
Birds can live only on earth. Yes you are right they fly in air but they don’t make colonies in air.
So when compared with life of aqua animals they cannot survive on earth. The movement you separate them from water they start to die.
So only reptiles can live and make colonies on land and water. They are in the size from small lizards to enormous dinosaur and strongest anaconda’s.
They are poisonous ultimate.
As the earth is covered with 70% water these animals are habituated to both the climates.
So as some elder people say that the life on this earth has started with a help of bacteria and finally man has evolved after much much much natural process.
And there is no proper evidence that this planet belongs to man. Because man rules the planet is said to be of man.
But not exactly true by the above lines.
So the moral of the story is this planet belongs to REPTILES.
The only animal which can live both on earth and water are reptiles.

Started Rewriting of............


Three and half years of my efforts have started to take a step ahead again.
I started to plot my book with a new line. This year in the month of January i finished my book and started to search for publishers.
I sent my writing for reviews and was advised to stretch the main element and name the characters.
Both cannot be done because if I would stretch the plot loses its grip and yes! here i have to say a word .... I have not named the characters in my book. The reason is 90% of people fall in love and 100% of people have friends and 100 plus % get married. Haa.. talking about people who get married second time....... just kidding.
So i decided to give a polish to my book. So today i started to rewrite my book. Hopefully i should finish it at the sooner.
But at the same time i would search for the sponsors/publishers.

Hope things go well.



A new addiction............

Hey Amigos,

I see there is a new addiction in people called THE SOCIAL SITE. Among all FACEBOOK tops the list. Well i cannot add the list because where ever i see and hear it is only FB.
What to say is it a good or a bad?