Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Started Rewriting of............


Three and half years of my efforts have started to take a step ahead again.
I started to plot my book with a new line. This year in the month of January i finished my book and started to search for publishers.
I sent my writing for reviews and was advised to stretch the main element and name the characters.
Both cannot be done because if I would stretch the plot loses its grip and yes! here i have to say a word .... I have not named the characters in my book. The reason is 90% of people fall in love and 100% of people have friends and 100 plus % get married. Haa.. talking about people who get married second time....... just kidding.
So i decided to give a polish to my book. So today i started to rewrite my book. Hopefully i should finish it at the sooner.
But at the same time i would search for the sponsors/publishers.

Hope things go well.



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