Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Small Story ....................Some one said not my own.


There lived an old wise man in the heights if Himalayas.

Time to time he use to travel down to a village and use to entertain the people with his talent. Out of many talents he had one amazing power to tell anything that a person may be carrying in his pocket, bag, box and hearts.

Once, few young boys planned to make fun of this elderly gentleman by proving his amazing power not true.

One boy caught hold of a bird in his hands. He new that the old wise man will definitely tell what he is holding in his hands.

He thought of a plan.

Since the boy new that the old man will tell what he has in his hands, he will ask whether the bird is alive or dead. If the old man will say it’s alive, the boy will kill the bird in his hand so that on opening his hands the bird is found dead. If the old man will say that the bird is dead, the boy will open his hands and let the bird fly. In this way, the boy will prove him wrong.

Next time when the old man came down to the town, the boy caught hold of a bird and hide in his hands at the back. He went the old man and asked, “Tell me what I hold in my hands?”

The old man said, “ You have a bird”. He was right.

Then boy asked, “Tell me whether its alive or dead?’

The old wise man looked at the boy and said, “ The bird is in same state the way you want”.

The old man further said while the boy looked at him in amazement, “The same thing apply in your life too”.


We ourselves decide the direction of our life.


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